Documentation and Cultural Centre of German Sinti and Roma takes over RomArchive

Selection of Press Coverage

RomArchive is about to be launched

Opening Festival “Performing RomArchive”

Romani authors going digital

About the Project – Background and Insights

In Memoriam
Damian Le Bas 1963 – 2017

Video Interview with Farruquito

International Romani Language Day

Investigation of Picture Agency Databases

Interview with Professor Ethel Brooks

Curatorial Interview: Anna Mirga-Kruszelnicka

Tímea Junghaus introducing Ceija Stojka

Anna Mirga-Kruszelnicka on ternYpe

Curatorial Interview: Tímea Junghaus

Curatorial Interview: Petra Gelbart

Our precarious legacy – Discriminatory and racist materials in archives

Auschwitz and the Testimony of Sinti and Roma

Breaking the silence: Romani women’s experience in the Romani civil rights movement

Resistance and the Evolution of a Roma Aesthetic

Roma Activists 2.0

International Romani Day and Necessary Integration of Romani Feminism

Interview with Zoni Weisz

Project Participants & Archive Sections

About RomArchive