Deutsch | ROMANES


Opening Festival “Performing RomArchive”


Starting in January 2019, RomArchive, the Digital Archive of the Roma, will make Romani arts and cultures visible and illustrate their contribution to European cultural history. For the first time, counter-narratives told by Roma themselves will create an internationally accessible, reliable source of knowledge on the internet, which will counter stereotypes and prejudices with facts.

To mark the publication of the archive website, the interdisciplinary festival „Performing RomArchive“ will show the wealth and diversity of Romani cultural and artistic production. The programme in Berlin, Bucharest and Budapest will surprise, inspire and stimulate discussion.


Opening Festival “Performing RomArchive”

24–27 January 2019, Berlin: Grand Opening
Akademie der Künste, Pariser Platz 4, 10117 Berlin, Germany

Please find the detailed programme here.


28 February 2019, Bucharest
Teatrul Evreiesc de Stat, Strada dr. Barasch Iuliu nr. 15, București 030167, Romania

Dr Viorel Achim, Dr Nicoleta Bitu, Ioanida Costache, Mihaela Drăgan, Dr Karola Fings, Dr Petra Gelbart, Isabel Raabe
Lectures, readings, music, and performance of the play Kali Traš – Black Fear (Text: Mihai Lukacs, Dramaturgy: Mihaela Drăgan)

Please find the detailed programme here. / Mai multe detalii despre program.


7 March 2019, Budapest
Central European University, Nádor u. 15, 1051 Budapest, Hungary
and Gallery8, Mátyás tér 13, 1084 Budapest, Hungary
Dr Angéla Kóczé, Franziska Sauerbrey, Dr Anna Szász, et al.

Discussion, photo exhibition and two exhibitions of the artist Henrik Kállai

Please find the detailed programme here.


Image above: Katarina Taikon
Katarina Taikon (Katharina Maria Taikon, Katarina Taikon-Langhammer, 1932–1995), Kaldarash Romni, was a prominent activist and leader of Romani civil rights movement in Sweden. She was also an actress and writer and is often called the »Martin Luther King of Sweden«.

Photo © Björn Langhammer, licensed & provided by Birgitta Langhammer/Anna Sigurðardóttir–private archive, CC-BY-NC 4.0 International



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